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My name is Aly and I have ADHD. I'm in my late 20's; I have a boyfriend and 5 cats. I decided to create this online presence to help break all unnecessary societal stigmas that circle around all of us. My favorite stigmas to break are anything about women, bodily autonomy, mental health, and sexual health.


I lost my retail job at the beginning of the pandemic. I took the time in quarantine to do some soul searching, self care, and research. I decided that going back to work a "traditional" job was terrifying to me. So I created AlyCatCraftShop to give myself freedom to express my self and make an income through my creations.


If you know anything about ADHD, you know that constantly changing interests is a chronic occurrence. So logically I added on making youtube videos, tiktok videos, and now my very own podcast! I'm constantly changing my mind as well as losing and gaining many interests. Life is an adventure, and I'm just trying to ride it out and see where I can go.


Any and all support is appreciated because all of my ventures are self funded. I have donation options, you can purchase my creations, or even order something custom! Don't forget to sigh up for my email list to receive updates on new videos, sales, and projects!


All My Beautiful Children


Sentinel Prime






Jetfire II (Calico) & Jolt (Longhair)

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